As we told
earlier astronomers still trying to unravel the avalanche available in WMAP
satellite. As it demolish the conventional theories and a new cosmological
picture is raised called “Inflationary theory”. This is a major refinement of
big bang theory.
In this
inflationary scenario, first trillionth of trillionth second after the so
called big bang a mysterious anti-gravity force caused the universe expand the
much faster than previously thought at more than the speed of light. Within the
fraction of second expansion in the factor of 1050 . To imagine this
inflation process, visualize the balloon which is rapidly expanding draw the
small points on the surface of balloon before expansion. And see the dots now
they become the circles .This is how our galaxies comes from the subatomic
level to a gigantic figures of universe.
Now draw a
small circles on the expanded balloon, this is our observable universe.
Everything we can see with our telescopes. For the comparison, If our
observable universe were small as sub atomic level then the original size of
the universe was size of the observable universe. This is why the whole region
of universe forever beyond our reach. By assuming early universe undergo this
process of inflation one can explain many puzzling things of universe.
Even though
explaining many things there is a question, which or what causes the inflation?
What makes the antigravity to inflate the universe? There are more than 50
proposals to explaining the event but there is no consensus. There is no
definitive proposal to answer the question what the engine behind the
inflation? Because no one knows precisely how the inflation started, there is a
possibility of inflation mechanism can takes place repeatedly. This idea was
proposed by Russian astronomer Andrew Linde. He states whatever causes
inflation, it may still works at the distant part of our own universe.
to this theory, a tiny patch of universe suddenly inflated and ‘bud’ may be
called as ‘daughter universe’ or ‘baby universe’. Which may again create the
bud turns to a baby universe and this process happens repeatedly. This theory
also means our universe may be a baby universe from a bud of more ancient
mother universe.
To imagine
this event visualize blowing soap bubbles into air and watch how the bubbles split
into two. In this same way universe gives the birth to new infant universes. In
this scenario big bang have been happening continuously. If this theory is true
we may live in a cosmic ocean having endless possibilities. “MULTIVERSE” is
most suitable than “Universe”
Linde “This
theory is eternal. Self-producing or chaotic inflation”
Alan Guth, “Inflation
pretty much forces the idea of multiple universe upon us”
theory also means our universe may be a baby universe from a bud of more
ancient mother universe” if it is right what the other universe look like?
Will they harbor life? What kind of law they obey? Shall we enter those
universes and jump into hyperspace?
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