Since the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago it underwent many different phases or an epoch we really don't know what happened at zero second of the big bang but from our current understanding of big bang come on we know what happened at 10-43 seconds after the big bang it is called plank era or Planck epoch.

Planck era

This is the closest to our current knowledge that we can get into the very beginning of time. We be known very little about this period. Theory of general relativity proposes a gravitational singularity before this time. Many scientists believe that the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear force ) all have the same strength and may possibly unified into a 1 fundamental force. This is what Einstein really wants to discover if anyone wants to reveal their secret of zero second of big bang must solve the mystery of this fundamental force. At this time universe is only 10-35 m wide. Which is smaller than an atom. And temperature over 10-32 degree Celsius, which is much greater than the sun’s core.

Grand unification epoch (10-43th to 10-36th second)

Where the force of gravity separates from other fundamental forces (still remains unified) and earliest elementary particles and antiparticles begin to create

Inflationary epoch (10-36th to 10-32th second)

Separation of strong nuclear force the universe undergoes rapid expansion expansion known as cosmic inflation. Expand in this period from 10-26 to 10 cm which is comparable to the grapefruit. Enormous expansion. Elementary particles become distributor across the universe collectively known as quark soup.

Electroweak epoch (10-32th to 10-12th second)

Due to the separation of strong nuclear force from other two, particle interaction create large number of exotic particle. (W, Z and Higgs bosons, we will discuss this later)

Quark Epoch (10-12th to 10-6th second)

Quarks, electrons and neutrons are formed and universe cools down to 10 quadrillion degrees and fundamental forces get their present forms. Quarks and antiquarks annihilates each other upon the process known by baryogenesis. Remaining quarks combines ultimately to form a matter. (Annihilate which means demolish each other.)

Hadron Epoch (10-6 th to First second)

Temperature of the universe cools down to trillion degrees that enough to allow the quartz to form protons neutrons electrons. These electrons colliding with protons and fusing to neutrons and give off massless neutrinos, which travel near to the speed of light. This process takes place again and again for billions of time within a snap of the camera. (Hadrons are proton like particles.)

Lepton Epoch (1st second to 3rd minute)

The majority of hadrons cancels each other with ant hadrons in Hadron epoch. This is the time of leptons. Leptons and antileptons dominate the mass of the universe. Electrons and protons cancel each other photons are freed up. Those colliding photons create more electron positron pairs.

What happens after three minutes? We still not in play? Still, there is a time for us.

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  1. is the expansion of space itself faster than the speed of light?


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