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Can you describe yourself before you were born? Yes, when your father sperm fertilizes the mother’s egg new baby cell was formed. That cell doubled tripled and get multiplied to millions and you come to the existence. Now consider your home kitchen’s mustard sized atom even million times smaller than that having a billions of tons mass were gravity was infinite and enormous amount heat suddenly exploded in a cosmic kitchen when something happened at the moment our universe was born including time come to the existence at that moment. Our current knowledge and proofs cannot describe what really happened at that moment.

If there is a starting point there should be an ending point. Like that our universe also have a horizon. Right? At this place many of us rise a question where is the cosmic kitchen? Same question arises again after centuries. In olden days some people raised a question the priests what was beyond the sky and stars. Their reply was probably “God creates the hell for those questioners”. They believe these kind of answers used to control the people from doing mistakes centuries ago.

It was a question time again where the big bang was takes place? If it takes place in one place isn’t come under universe? Yes this question murmured the great minds for decades. After a lots of painful research scientist found the answer. The answer was from Hindu and The Buddhism mythologies.

According to these mythology universe was timeless, with no beginning or end. There are many levels of existence, but the highest is Nirvana. Which eternal and can be attained only by the pure meditation. In Hindu Mahapurana, it is written, “If god created the world, where he was before creation?”

Over a period gradually emerging from the data is a synthesis of these two opposing mythologies. Perhaps, scientist speculate, genesis occurs repeatedly in the timeless ocean of nirvana. In this new picture, our universe may be compared to a bubble floating in a much larger “ocean”.

According to this theory there is not a single universe but universes.

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