COSMIC ADDRESS - Our place in the universe

COSMIC ADDRESS - Our place in the universe

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If a child was missed in a rush to go home it must know its own address. Like that before know the beginning we must know where we are from. We have a cosmic address. First line of our cosmic address.

Earth – Shelter of every living and non-living things around us.

Solar system – Consist of planets, comets, Asteroids, space dusts. Its end up with ort cloud.

Milky Way galaxy – There are billions of billion stars in our own Milky Way galaxy.

Local group – It’s a group of galaxies contains 100s of galaxies mostly spiral shaped.

Virgo super cluster – It contains millions of local groups like galaxies.

Observable universe – this is what we know so far now.

As we found by our modern calculation our observable universe 13.8 billion years old. How a man find the age of the universe? It was an interesting story.

Astronomer have been especially keen to know the age of the universe. For centuries, scholars, priests and theologians have tried to estimate the age of the universe using the only method at their disposal. The genealogy of humanity since Adam and Eve. In the last centuries, Geologist have used the residual radiation stored in rocks to give the best estimate of age of the universe.

Over the years, one of the most embarrassing facts plaguing cosmology has been that the age of the universe was often computed to be younger than the age of the planets and stars, due to the faulty data. Previous estimates for the age of the universe were as low as 1 to 2 billion years, which contradicted the age of earth (4.5 billion years). These contradictions now eliminated.

How the contradictions are eliminated? What happened in the beginning? How we measure the age of universe? Stay tuned….

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