According to WMAP what we can see around us made up of 4% of total matter and energy content of universe (most of them is H and He only 0.003% are other heavy elements). So the universe is dominated by entirely new, unknown form of matter and energy. By WMAP 23% of universe made of strange undetermined substance called dark matter which binds the galaxies together. But totally invisible. Because normal matter doesn’t have a enough strength to binds the galaxies together. In some words we will say dark matter creates the gravitational force to bind the galaxies. Even though they are invisible the can be observed indirectly by bending the starlight. It weights the galaxies surrounded by gigantic halo.


In the other hand what was the remaining 73%. It is made up of unknown form of energy called dark energy or the invisible energy hidden in the universe. (It was once introduced by Einstein and declared as greatest blunder later by himself). Dark energy the energy of nothing or energy of empty space. This energy is now believed to create a new anti-gravity field which is driving the galaxies apart. In simple this caused the speeds up the expansion of the universe.


We don’t know where the energy of nothing came from. In fact we don’t understand it fully! We are clueless. If we take the theory of subatomic particle and try to compute the amount of dark energy we get the answer of 10120 which means 120 zeros followed by 10. The discrepancy between theoretical and experimental is the largest gap ever found in the scientific history. It so embarrassing to say our greatest theory ever found was able to find the abundant energy source of universe. Bunch of Nobel Prizes is waiting if any one of the readers able to unravel the mystery of dark matter and dark energy.


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